Do You Know Your RITES?

The RITES of playing at Guildford Baseball and Softball Club were introduced originally at the beginning of the 2017 season and now as we enter 2018, we look again at these key foundations for building culture in our club.

What are the RITES of Guildford Baseball & Softball Club? They are core values, principles or beliefs that we at GBSC feel should be at the centre of all we do. As well as following our club Codes of Conduct, we expect all involved with the club to embody these values and consider them in all their actions associated with GBSC.

Club coaches will be reminding all players throughout the 2018 season of these values and we hope you will all join us in building them into our club culture as we grow.


Responsible – Responsibility is the social force that binds each of us to the team. We are responsible
for our own actions. We are part of something larger than ourselves and we have a responsibility to
our team mates. Always be aware of how our actions affect others. Also, remember we are part of
many teams who are counting on us for fulfilment of fixtures and providing opposition as we grow
the sport.

Inclusive – We behave in a manner that leaves nobody out. We work together, we respect each
other and we respect the game we play.

Tolerant – We adopt an attitude of tolerance in everything we do. Those who demonstrate tolerance
have the power to accept, accommodate and adapt to all situations.

Enjoyment – This is the reason we get involved. We encourage players to enjoy training and playing.
We use our sport to adopt a healthy lifestyle and build life skills. We safeguard our young players
and help them have fun. We enjoy being part of a team and part of the GBSC family.

Sportsmanship – Is striving to win, but accepting defeat. Be active and give your best effort whilst
appreciating the effort in others. Join teammates, opponents, coaches and officials in mutual quest
for excellence. Savour the challenge of a tough competitor and meet it with your finest performance.
We observe fair play both on and off the diamond and are gracious in victory and dignified in defeat.
We play to win but not at all costs and recognise both endeavour and achievement.

You can find a copy of the RITES to download along with other policies on our Club Policies and Procedures page

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