Guildford Junior Baseball returns for the summer on Saturday 22nd April, at 9:30. All sessions will be held at Christ’s College, on the back field by the dry ski slope. They are open to any boys and girls from 6 up (contact us if younger), and run through to approx midday. The vast majority of children who join us, have never played the game before, so we welcome anyone to come along and give it a try
The children are split into age groups, based on ages and the numbers present. We aim to run groups for 6-8 (teeball), 9-11 (minors) and 11-14 (majors). Older juniors, depending on ablity can either participate with this upper age group, or join the adults developmental squad, that plays on Sundays.
This season, we are also looking to run a regular series of fixtures against other clubs for the Majors age group, and possibly some for the Minors as well. This may mean travelling to away games, although there will still be the option to just participate in the sessions at Christs College, for those who don’t wish to be part of any travel team.
Registration forms can be filled out at the first session the child attends or downloaded from the website and returned to the club
First session is always free, so that anyone new, can give the game a go and see if they enjoy it.
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